Armed Forces Europe
Nonprofits and 501C Tax Exempt Organizations

  • Organization Count: 295
  • Assets Total: $958,309
  • Income Total: $1,187,907
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  • Highest Asset Amount $487,705
  • Average Asset Amount $119,788
  • Highest Income Amount $695,513
  • Average Income Amount $148,488

Top Nonprofit Organizations in Armed Forces Europe with the Most Assets

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501(C) Classification Totals

  • • The following table is a list of 501(c) classifications and the number of organizations in Armed Forces Europe granted an exempt status under that classification.
    • The 501(c) section of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 defines the category under which an organization may be tax exempt.
# Classification Description Organization Count Organization Assets
1 501(c)(3) Charitable Organization 81 $320,131 501c3
2 501(c)(19) Post or Organization of War Veterans 64 $0 501c19
3 501(c)(8) Fraternal Beneficiary Society, Order or Association 39 $0 501c8
4 501(c)(3) Educational Organization 38 $58,896 501c3
5 501(c)(6) Business League 14 $0 501c6
6 501(c)(7) Pleasure, Recreational, or Social Club 13 $0 501c7
7 501(c)(4) Civic League 12 $91,577 501c4
8 501(c)(3) Religious Organization 10 $0 501c3
9 501(c)(4) Social Welfare Organization 7 $0 501c4
10 501(c)(5) Labor Organization 7 $487,705 501c5
11 501(c)(10) Domestic Fraternal Societies and Associations 4 $0 501c10
12 501(c)(4) Local Association of Employees 2 $0 501c4
13 501(c)(2) Title-Holding Corporation 1 $0 501c2
14 501(c)(5) Agricultural Organization 1 $0 501c5
15 501(c)(90) 4947(a)(2) - Charitable Trust (Form 990 Filer) 1 $0 501c90
False - none - No Classification 1 $0
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